Mural: “Birds of a Feather” flamingo mural

Picture this: you’re doom scrolling during lockdown and you see your mate painting her driveway and bricks bright and colourful colours. You spot a plain brick wall behind her. It happens to be her house, but never mind that — all you can visualise is two massive flamingos on that space. So you get in touch about painting a mural for her… and this is the result.

Freya said of the spontaneous and whirlwind experience:

So my friend Anita Revel saw me posting pics of painting the gate and wall etc, and offered so kindly to do a mural as a collaboration. She said the project helped immensely to lift her mood too following the downturn in her celebrant business.

Well to be honest I didn’t exactly plan anything at all it just happened and felt right. It felt nice, and mood lifting every time I lifted a paint brush loaded with colour, or drove into my driveway to see gorgeous Anita doing her Pink Flamingoes on my wall, just an instant change of mood.

This project has definitely helped keep the grey clouds of depression at bay in these weird times, honestly everyone should surround themselves with colour.

Anita, my talented artist friend who also happens to be an esteemed author – has written a blog about the project – have a read it nails the whole feeling/meaning behind the flamingo mural.

flamingo mural during corona
One aspect of painting a mural during the coronavirus era, is how staying “socially distant” from Freya, (who I adore), was really difficult. She was jumping up and down with excitement, and we couldn’t even high-five! I really miss celebrating a high with a hug!

Well, that was one of the most *unique* openings I’ve ever been to — keeping our social distance and the guests on the other side of a screen!

Fremantle Mayor Brad Pettitt officially opened the mural, announcing its new name — Birds of a Feather (Flock Together).

This name and energy depicts the community that comes together and gets stuff done — exactly what has happened here thanks to Freya’s infectious energy and light.

Let these flamingos forever more, be a magnet to good people, good vibes, and good times.

flamingo mural in fremantle
“The medicine of flamingo, combined with the vibrant and uplifting colours, has worked magic.”