When I was growing up, no-one ever spoke about personal values in a conscious way. They were something that were just absorbed, or instilled, from the generation prior.
But now, I’m noticing how evolved our kids are, compared to us at that age.
They know how to identify emotions and label them. How to recognise and read situations, and respond to them appropriately. How to activate a resilience technique to get them through a tough patch…
So, as the kids are pretty well equipped with emotional intelligence, I think we’re ready, to start talking about personal values.
I designed this set of “Values and Virtues” cards to get the conversation started

Values are beliefs about what is good, right, and appropriate and, as such guide our behaviour, attitudes and choices. We learn them from our parents, teachers, leaders, friends and society at large. These playing cards have 52 different values and virtues on each. Created by Anita Revel as a tool for starting conversation between teens, teachers, parents and guardians, about consciously choosing and prioritising good values to live by.
Values and Virtues playing cards by Anita Revel

The cards are a regular 52-card playing deck, with the four suits of 13 cards each. You can play any standard card game with them, and use them as a way to start conversations around what each value / virtue means.
I’d love to see teachers using these cards as a tool in the National Framework for Values Education in Australian Schools. They can also use them to gain a deeper understanding into their school’s motto (which is usually founded on ideal values embraced by the school).
Parents can use them as a way to create awareness of values in the home.
Values are the
priorities individuals and society attach to certain beliefs, experiences, and objects in deciding how they shall live and what they shall treasure.
Hill 2004
principles and fundamental convictions which act as general guides to behaviour, the standards by which particular actions are judged as good or desirable.
Halstead, Taylor and Taylor 2000
You can order your own set of these cards here: Values and Virtues playing cards by Anita Revel