Affirmations are very effective tools for making your thoughts positive and your actions constructive. This collection of goddess affirmations by Anita Revel is founded on the seven states of wellbeing, with some additional “wild cards” to promote holistic wellbeing. With daily and frequent use, you can bring your words to life… Realise your truth, enjoy holistic wellbeing, and express your way to happiness!

Order your set of Affirmation Goddess oracle cards from Amazon
Affirmations are sexy again! So says Australian author Anita Revel – aka the Affirmation Goddess – who has just released her modern and sassy affirmation cards for the modern and sassy woman.
Affirmations have long been used as a tool for positive thinking, but according to the advice in the book accompanying the cards, these short optimistic statements don’t have to be complicated or elaborate to be effective.
“I have used affirmations for years with great success, but found that the traditional ones tend to be wordy and washy,” says Anita. “So I started making up new ones that were more in tune with the modern woman who likes to be a little playful in her spirituality.”
The result after three years of creation, trials and word-play, Anita has launched a set of 60 cards and an accompanying guidebook containing over 200 new and energetic affirmations.
The box set, known as Affirmation Goddess, Express Your Way to Happiness, was launched in Perth in June. Fans queued to have a mini-reading with the cards and to share a champagne with the author.
“I’m an artist, and have struggled to get enough work done due to extreme fatigue,” said one fan, Lynne Lund. “I keep pulling out the card, “I have all the time in the world,” which gives me permission to have a rest day – then I can work when I’m able without guilt!”
With affirmations like “Life: Dish it up baby, and don’t be stingy with the jalapenos,” life is bound to get a little spicier for any woman striving for a positive mindset and emotional wellbeing.
The box set retails for $29.95 and is available via