Colour Pop is Anita Revel’s third solo exhibition. Here is her Artist Statement:
I am fascinated by colour therapy theories and how colour affects mood. Colours have the power to uplift us, make us somber, calm us, and even make us hungry!
My palette tends to be full of colours that make us happy.
I have focused on the peacock in this exhibition — with his majestic tail and exotic colours, Peacock symbolises nobility, protection, awakening, whose colours foster vibrancy and vitality in your outlook.
Peacock is also the totem animal for protection. They can eat poisonous snakes without harm, and their loud cries mean they make fabulous watch dogs!

He demonstrates dignified behaviour, and is therefore a totem animal for responding to stressful situations with dignity and grace. And, with numerous eyes in his tail, he is symbolic of the ever-watching guardian, protecting you against harm.
Large peacocks are painted onto internal doors — one door even includes the mechanisms to turn it into a sliding barn-door. A series of smaller peacock portraits have been completed in an Andy Warhol pop-art style, in a blatant celebration of colour.

Other works in the exhibition include abstract flow-art paintings, which allow the colours drive the emotion of each piece. They have been allowed to mix, merge, bump, bubble, swirl, and pop — the colours become the expression of the piece without interference or manipulation.

The feature statement piece is the 2.5m diameter dreamcatcher made from repurposed materials — a trampoline and Granny’s favourite lace tablecloth. Title “Dreams Come True”, it is intended to bring dreams and goals to fruition to whoever whispers their heart’s desire.

The exhibition is rounded out with candid photos from my recent trip to India, and are printed on acrylic glass. The photos feature colour, movement, vibrancy, and the sensory overload experienced in Rajasthan.
Many of the works in this exhibition sold during the MRROS event, so Anita is back to the studio to start on her next batch of works, and to continue her studies in her Diploma of Visual Arts. Follow her progress on