Mural: embracing inclusivity @ The Glampavan

This mural on The Glampavan took me 6 months to paint, and it’s only the first coat! I had a lot of ducks to line up — weather conditions, limited site access (between guest check-out and check-in), and my availability — to get bits done.

It’s a mural that celebrates equality: Gender, sexuality, age, race — and this feels like a good year to become more mindful and proactive about these things.

This mural is one (small?!) show of support by way of art and expression. I hope you like where it is heading. (Who knows when the 2nd coat will happen?!)

It’s called “Inclusive” — may every spectrum of humanity come together to create a united, inclusive world; one where dreams and deepest wishes come true.

About The Glampavan

The Glampavan is a cute little cabin on AirBnB — it is one of my curated spaces. Super colourful and kitsch and cute and cosy. Check it out — I’d love to host you one day!

Love, Anita Revel

January 2021

The Glampavan Margaret River mural with artist Anita Revel

More about the mural

This mural was designed to be 3D and an optical illusion — when you stand at the point where I am in this photo, the rainbow lines appear to be “straight”. (See what I mean, in the third photo below?)

When you stand at either end of the mural, it plays tricks on the eye to make the windows look crooked, and yet, when viewing the work straight on, the windows are perfectly level. Do-do-do-do, a bit twilight zoney?

I also added an extra “selfy spot” on the wall. A polaroid camera with the caption “Believe in Yourselfie”

Cute, huh?

cute mural for selfy photos